[XML-SIG] XSLT parser interface
Uche Ogbuji
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:47:04 -0700
> [This was sent to python-dev by mistake; my apologies - MvL]
> Based on my previous IDL interface for XPath parsers, I've defined an
> API for a parser that parsers XSLT pattern expressions. It is an
> extension to the XPath API, so I attach only the additional functions.
> Any comments are appreciated.
> Martin
> module XPath{
> // XSLT exprType values
> const unsigned short PATTERN = 17;
> const unsigned short LOCATION_PATTERN = 18;
> const unsigned short RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN = 19;
> const unsigned short STEP_PATTERN = 20;
I think we might want to space out these module-level constants a bit to allow
for user extension. Or should all extensions use numbers above a certain
> interface Pattern;
> interface LocationPathPattern;
> interface RelativePathPattern;
> interface StepPattern;
> interface PatternFactory:ExprFactory{
> Pattern createPattern(in LocationPathPattern first);
> // idkey may be null, represents IdKeyPattern
Minor nit, but it puzzled me for a few seconds. the comman above should be a
colon, or just rephrase to
"If idkey is non-Null, this is an IdKeyPattern
> // if parent is true, it is '/', else '//'
> // rel may be null
> LocationPathPattern createLocationPathPattern(in FunctionCall idkey,
> boolean parent,
> in RelativePathPattern rel);
> // if parent is true, it is /, else //
> RelativePathPattern createRelativePathPattern(in RelativePathPattern rel,
> boolean parent,
> in StepPattern step);
> StepPattern createStepPattern(in AxisSpecifier axis,
> in NodeTest test,
> in PredicateList predicates);
> };
Some of these take an approach that's a bit cute (for instance, the boolean
parent idea), but since it's really a developer-only interface, this should be
> typedef sequence<LocationPathPattern> LocationPathPatterns;
> interface Pattern:Expr{
> readonly attribute LocationPathPatterns patterns;
> void append(in LocationPathPattern pattern);
> };
> interface LocationPathPattern:Expr{
> readonly attribute FunctionCall idkey;
> readonly attribute boolean parent;
> readonly attribute RelativePathPattern relative_pattern;
> };
I forgot whether Expr defines a pprint method. If not, I think it should.
this is a *very* handy debugging aid (and required by 4XDebug).
> interface RelativePathPattern:Expr{
> readonly attribute RelativePathPattern relative;
> readonly attribute boolean parent;
> readonly attribute StepPattern step;
> };
> interface StepPattern:Expr{
> readonly attribute AxisSpecifier axis;
> readonly attribute NodeTest test;
> readonly attribute PredicateList predicates;
> };
> interface XSLTParser:Parser{
> Pattern parsePattern(in DOMString pattern);
> };
> };
Other than that, looks great. Jeremy?
Uche Ogbuji Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc. http://Fourthought.com
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python