[XML-SIG] Will gettext do?
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:53:25 -0500
>> Which documentation specifically? And what specific passages
>> made you despair (sp?).
>>>>> "UO" == Uche Ogbuji <uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com> writes:
UO> I've got to go to bed (up at bloody 6:00 a.m.when the nipper
UO> wakes up), but I wanted to first point out the culprit that
UO> seems to have led me so far astray
UO> See
UO> http://python.sourceforge.net/devel-docs/lib/node160.html
UO> Which seems to suggest that you need GNU and makes no mention
UO> of msgfmt.py
Fred Drake's brought this to my attention, since I'm not on the
xml-sig. I think msgfmt.py was added after the gettext module's
documentation was written, and the docos were never updated when we
added Martin's tool. I'll go ahead and add some text to the page.