[XML-SIG] iso8601: re-creating an original date II
M.-A. Lemburg
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 15:21:00 +0100
Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> I'm about halfway through my proposed course of enhancing iso8601.py to note
> which portions of a date were supplied, but clearly it's reinventing the
> wheel. The ISO8601Date class needs a converter to and from 9-tuples, seconds
> until the epoch, and string format, and it all feels like I'm reimplementing
> the C library or mxDateTime -- badly -- so I'm abandoning the effort.
> mxDateTime already includes an ISO-8601 class; from the docs it doesn't seem
> to support round-tripping, but that could be added, and it's probably less
> work than recreating lots of complicated time handling code.
mxDateTime has an ISO 8601 parser, not a special ISO 8601 class.
I am not sure what you mean with "round-tripping" -- could you
explain ?
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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