[XML-SIG] RE: SOAP for Python

Cayce Ullman Cayce@actzero.com
Wed, 2 May 2001 17:17:02 -0700

> >I would like to second this motion as well.  I'm aware of 5 
> implementations
> >of SOAP in Python (2 of which were created in the month of 
> April, one of
> >which was mine),  
> Could you list those, together with a homepage URL? ;)
SOAP.py (mine) : http://www.actzero.com  the leader in terms of
interoperability and features (as far as I know)

SOAP.py (part of Scarab) : http://www.casbah.org hasn't moved for over a
year, at a glance looks fairly unusable.

soaplib.py : http://www.pythonware.com by Fredrik Lundh, much in the style
of xmlrpclib

SOAPy : http://soapy.sourceforge.net by Adam Elman, new client
implementation supports WSDL

FT : http://www.fourthought.com It was my understanding that Fourthought
also is working on an impl, correct me if I'm wrong Mike.