[XML-SIG] 4XSLT Performance Problems with Large Files
Dieter Maurer
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 20:00:37 +0200 (CEST)
Lars Marius Garshol writes:
> * Dieter Maurer
> |
> | My observation seems to indicate that "saxon" needs most of
> | its time with startup (reading the DocBook stylesheets).
> | The document size seems to be almost irrelevant. It takes
> | about the same time to transform a 10 kB document than a
> | several hundred kB document.
> Do you have '<!DOCTYPE' declarations in your documents? If so, that
> may be part of the problem. The DocBook DTDs are huge, and take quite
> a while to parse. Of course, so are the stylesheets, but removing the
> DTD reference may help somewhat, at least.
> I've had good experiences with using xt instead, which uses xp, which
> doesn't read the DTD at all.
> I've had even better experience with writing my own stylesheets and
> not using DTD references at all. :-)
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, they have "<!DOCTYPE" declarations. Nevertheless, I am very
satisfied with the "saxon" performance. The small documents
only arise in tests and slightly higher processing times are not relevant.