[XML-SIG] Re: [4suite] from CNR - Italy
Martin v. Loewis
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 06:59:08 +0200
> Now, PyXML only builds pyexpat if the version of pyexpat included with
> Python is less than 2.39. And if I remember correctly, pyexpat from Python
> links against the expat libary, hence the failed libexpat.so.0.
> I don't have a copy of Python 2.0.1 around to check the version of pyexpat,
> however, in 2.1 it is 2.45. If they rolled changes in pyexpat into the
> bugfix release, this would account for this odd error.
Not really. If Python's pyexpat was unimportable due to the missing
libexpat.so, importing it would have failed when the PyXML setup was
run. In that case, pyexpat would have been build in PyXML, anyways.