[XML-SIG] The fastest XML parser around
Andy Robinson
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 17:09:52 +0100
> Okay so basically, they are trying to get people to buy their product.
> Fine, but they should say so :-)
We are trying to standardize and release some very useful tools
under the most generous terms we can. ReportLab needs fast and
standardized XML processing for both our free PDF and graphics
products, and for our server-side products which target
enterprise audiences. I am more concerned with minimizing
our costs - the cost of packaging up software, supporting
customer installations which get out of synch or give weird
results due to different parsers etc. etc. - than with revenue.
If RXP was available under a Python-style license then pyRXP would
be too; we have a track record of giving away good Open Source
software, and use the FreeBSD license for most stuff. I surveyed
all the OS licenses and picked the one with the least words :-)
But our restrictions have to mirror those imposed on us.
> It's very similar to the position of Qt/Trolltech, so it's not an
> abnormally suprizing model, but not really the one expected in the Python
> community as I understood. Anyway it's good to know you got some funding
> from this.
Out of curiosity, would you be happy if ReportLab ever got some funding
from this, or are we the evil empire now? :-)
- Andy