[XML-SIG] PrettyPrint

JS scjuonline@web.de
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:54:30 +0100


I've got the following problem:
If I save the following xml file using PrettyPrint()

<?xml version=3D"1.0"?>

 I get:
<?xml version=3D'1.0' encoding=3D'UTF-8'?>

Now next time I read in the xml, a new text node is created in the DOM tr=
due to the indent an newline behind the first <raw> element.

I could use Print since it doesn't add any additional data. But Pretty is=
pretty ;-)

I'm not sure about ignorable whitespace in xml, but I think, it is not=20

Shouldn't the output be ...<raw><![CDATA[foo]]></raw>...?

thx for your help,

regards Juergen
