[XML-SIG] minidom changes & additional modules

Uche Ogbuji uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 09:40:26 -0700

>  > The one feature that Mike wants to see in the reader is optional
>  > XInclude support; it should be possible to incorporate that from
>  > 4Suite once you have committed your changes.
> That would be cool!
> Another thing that would be good to support is xml:base; I'm not sure
> what others have done for that, if anything.

cDomlette supports xml:base.  Each node has an xmlBase python attribute on it 
with the appropriate value.  Why don't we enshrine this into the Python/DOM 
binding?  xml:base is ludicrously simple to implement.

Uche Ogbuji                               Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com               +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc.                         http://Fourthought.com 
4735 East Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
XML strategy, XML tools (http://4Suite.org), knowledge management