[XML-SIG] Ideas for web/ package

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@home.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 21:54:02 -0500

[Fred L. Drake, Jr]

> Andrew Kuchling writes:
>  > As part of the RELAX NG stuff, I've discovered that urlparse() is
>  > really lenient in its parsing.  For example, the fragment value is ''
>  > if no fragment is supplied, so you can't distinguish between
>  > http://www.amk.ca and http://www.amk.ca# .  Unfortunately this can't
> It's not clear that the distinction is meaningful in the RFC, as best
> as I can recall (it's been a couple of months since I looked at it).
But it can make a ***huge*** difference in RDF.


Tom P