[XML-SIG] Availability of libxml2 and libxslt Python bindings
Hannu Krosing
21 Feb 2002 20:55:18 +0200
On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 20:47, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Hannu Krosing writes:
> > >>> import dl
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> > ImportError: No module named dl
> >
> > This is on RH linux 7.1 with Python 2.2
> That's annoying. Did you install from the RPMs or build from source?
This is 2.2c1 installed from RPMs
> It looks like Python's default build will attempt to build it if it
> can find the dlfcn.h header file, so either that wasn't found on the
> machine it was built on, or that module was specifically not included
> (which wouldn't be unreasonable, I suppose).
I looked them up in /usr/include/bits/dlfcn.h and wirth this it works
>>> sys.setdlopenflags(0x00002|0x00100)
>>> import libxslt
So will this be the standard way to work with python 2.2 and libxslt ;)