[XML-SIG] Python and XML Tutorial

Andrew Diederich andrew@NETdelivery.com
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:48:54 -0700

As a non-expert on this list, examples like this are very useful.  I've had 
a hard time finding current examples of sax and dom programs for python,
so tutorials are great for getting up to speed.  

The Python Cookbook (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python/Cookbook/), 
along with the short xml tutorial in pyxml, helped me make a tiny
sax app, btw.  Your tutorial will help me re-do that as a dom app,
so I can see how that works, too.

Thanks for the work!
Andrew Diederich

-----Original Message-----
From: paul@boddie.net [mailto:paul@boddie.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 10:13 AM
To: xml-sig@python.org
Subject: [XML-SIG] Python and XML Tutorial


I recently uploaded a tutorial which deals with Python and XML, and I was 
wondering if this kind of thing is useful to anyone, and in which directions
might be developed in order to become more informative:


I'm sure that it isn't so useful to the experts on this list, but I wouldn't

want to make any information available to a wider audience without being
that the information is accurate and encourages good habits.



P.S. I know that with all the Python and XML books going into print, there 
isn't a huge incentive to make this kind of material available, but then
had such difficulties finding quality, online information about other 
technologies (EJB 2.0 CMP, for example) that I think it's needed.

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