[XML-SIG] [ pyxml-Bugs-509594 ] 2002-01-28 CVS compile bug
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 06:43:12 -0800
Bugs item #509594, was opened at 2002-01-28 06:42
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Category: expat
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: 2002-01-28 CVS compile bug
Initial Comment:
On MacOS 10.1.2, Python 2.2 I get when trying to setup.py build the current CVS version of PyXML:
cc -L/sw/lib -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress build/temp.darwin-5.2-Power Macintosh-2.2/pyexpat.o build/temp.darwin-5.2-Power Macintosh-2.2/xmlparse.o build/temp.darwin-5.2-Power Macintosh-2.2/xmlrole.o build/temp.darwin-5.2-Power Macintosh-2.2/xmltok.o -o build/lib.darwin-5.2-Power Macintosh-2.2/_xmlplus/parsers/pyexpat.so -flat_namespace
/usr/bin/ld: -undefined: unknown argument: -lbundle1.o
error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1
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