[XML-SIG] DOMImplementation.createDocumentType
Uche Ogbuji
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:40:09 -0600
> The DOMImplementation.createDocumentType is not documented in the python
> dom mapping
> (http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/dom-implementation-objects.html).
> In 4DOM, I can pass None as the publicId argument, and this is done by
> xml.dom.ext.readerSax2.XmlDomGenerator. In cDomlette (from CVS), using None
> raises an exception.
> The question is: what's the right way of doing things. Is it OK to
> change XmlDomGenerator to use an empty string, or would this break
> existing code? Or should cDomlette be enhanced to accept None as the
> publicId?
I think this calls for a discussion, and then for us to make all DOMs
I think that thought it's not quite the same situation (not sure what the
status of empty string is in FPI spec), for consistency and least surprise, we
should specify None to mean "no pubid", not empty string.
If people agree, I can amend cDomlette.
Uche Ogbuji Fourthought, Inc.
http://uche.ogbuji.net http://4Suite.org http://fourthought.com
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