[XML-SIG] Preparing for PyXML 0.8
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 16:54:46 +0200
On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 08:31:24AM -0600, Uche Ogbuji wrote:
> >
> > Uche Ogbuji writes:
> > > This is a compatability bug. Most of us don't see this because
> > > we're using the PyXML version of pyexpat.
> > >
> > > This new intern keyword arg for ParserCreate isn't even in the
> > > Python 2.2. release, so I think it should be removed, or that some
> > > better checking is done for it.
> >
> > But don't we always build our own version of pyexpat now?
> Apparently not in Debian. Perhaps this is actually a bug in the Debian
> packaging. Perhaps Jerome was extra clever and decided to disable compiling
> pyexpat in since Python has its own? Alexandre? Any ideas?
Well, I'm the one in charge of PyXML in Debian, now, and after looking
carefully at the packaging makefile (aka debian/rules), I can see no
such thing.
The build step goes:
python2.1 setup.py build --without-xslt
python2.2 setup.py build --without-xslt
which should build expat, should it not?
The install step goes:
python2.1 setup.py install --without-xslt --prefix=$(PYTHON21XML)/usr
python2.2 setup.py install --without-xslt --prefix=$(PYTHON22XML)/usr
and from then on proceeds to change some shebangs, fix access rights and
remove a couple of directories.
I'm baffled.
Alexandre Fayolle
LOGILAB, Paris (France).
http://www.logilab.com http://www.logilab.fr http://www.logilab.org
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