[XML-SIG] 4xslt - passing parameters
Mike Olson
09 Nov 2002 23:57:27 -0700
> > I'm not sure if this works, though it might (let me know if it does).
> > The problem is that the key in the dictionary must contain the namespace
> > of the variable as well. So assuming the variable is referenced as
> > "$page" then the dictionary that is passed in must be:
> >
> > {('','page'),27}
> Okay ... I'm not saying this is wrong (you know this stuff better than I
> do, of course), but why do you need to pass a namespace, when XSLT
> parameters don't have namespaces?
<xsl:param xmlns:ftss='foo' name='ftss:baz'/>
is different then
<xsl:param xmlns:ftss='bar' name='ftss:baz'/>
And why is it an empty string, when
> null namespaces for elements and attributes are represented as None?
Ooops, busted. It should be None.
> Inquiring minds want to know.
> --
> Matt Gushee When a nation follows the Way,
> Englewood, Colorado, USA Horses bear manure through
> mgushee@havenrock.com its fields;
> http://www.havenrock.com/ When a nation ignores the Way,
> Horses bear soldiers through
> its streets.
> --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)
> _______________________________________________
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Mike Olson Principal Consultant
mike.olson@fourthought.com +1 303 583 9900 x 102
Fourthought, Inc. http://Fourthought.com
PO Box 270590, http://4Suite.org
Louisville, CO 80027-5009, USA
XML strategy, XML tools, knowledge management