[XML-SIG] PyXML documentation (was [mgushee@havenrock.com: Re: [FRPythoneers] xml woes])

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 15:39:51 -0400

Mike Olson writes:
 > Actully, contact Fred Drake as he is incharge of the PyXML docs.

Actually, I don't think I am.  ;-)  I'm certainly glad to help out as
time allows.  The best thing to do when documentation is missing is
(doing as many of these as possible), but at least the first item):

- File a bug report, telling exactly what you were looking for
- Explain (as part of the bug report, or a followup comment) what the
  documentation should say about the topic (what would have answered
  your question)
- Write any required new material for the documentation, in
  Python-style LaTeX or plain text, and attach it to the bug report.

If you provide a patch or additional material for the documentation,
feel free to assign it to me.  If new material still needs to be
written, it'll get done on an as-time-and-knowledge-allow basis.  In
any case, it's unlikely to ever get done if there isn't a bug report.
An email to the list may be handy to get an answer to a question, but
typically won't get documentation written; it's too easy to lose the
request in an over-full inbox.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation