[XML-SIG] [CPF:] QoS in CBSE'2003: 2nd Call For Paper
Jean-Michel BRUEL
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 13:12:37 +0100
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)
Call for Papers
Quality of Service in
Component-Based Software Engineering
Workshop at "Reliable Software Technologies 2003"
June 20th, 2003, Toulouse, France
Workshop webpage : http://liuppa.univ-pau.fr/QoSCBSE2003
In the overall topic of reliable software, we are specifically interested
in improving the way developers can manage the complexity of developing
software which is most of the time distributed, based on existing reused
pieces, and with strong and stringent timing constraints. The goal of this
workshop is to look at issues related to the integration of non-functional
properties expression, evaluation, and prediction in the context of
component-based software engineering development.
It is now widely recognized that what makes Component-Based Software
Engineering (CBSE) hard to efficiently use is the fact that components
are easy to produce but not easy to compose. This scope is addressed by
a number of ongoing researches. In the context of this particular workshop
we would like to focus on the difficulty of predicting the overall behavior
and offered quality of service (in a broad sense, e.g. performance, dependability)
of a composite out of its "internal" components. This implies that a
software builder should have the behavior and the quality of service offered
and required of each components expressed in some way, as well as some support
tool or underlying framework supporting the composition of these added-value
features. The aim of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and
academics that are currently working around these topics to highlight the
ongoing solutions and the problems encountered.
The workshop is organized on two half-day sessions. The morning session is
dedicated to invited talks and presentations. Followed, in the afternoon,
by working sessions. The number and subject of these sessions will be decided
by the organizers depending upon the position papers.
A number of open questions will be addressed during the workshop. These questions
will be refined, selected and modified according to the early discussions of the
day, and some working sessions will be organized in order to give some indications
on their answer. Examples of open questions:
- How can we constraint/improve my component-based design with QoS annotations?
- What research path should we take to make progress in predicting system
behavior based on components behavior?
- How do we decompose system behavior to get specific components requirements
for non-functional system properties?
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit position papers on topics
related to the workshop. A partial list of topics is:
- Composition Language
- Software performance modeling and evaluation
- QoS specification
- ADLs and their use in supporting features composition
- Software dependability
- Compositionality
- Modeling methods and tools for non-functional requirements
- Industrial case studies
The 5-10 pages (single-spaced, 12-point, 1-inch margins) papers should be
submitted either in postscript or a pdf format, via email to bruel@univ-pau.fr.
The workshop organizers will review the submissions and select papers that
present relevant and interesting ideas and concepts that can contribute to
the discussions that will take place in the workshop. The workshop proceedings
will be made available before the start of the workshop on the workshop
website and may appear as a technical report at one of the organizers universities.
Important dates
21 February 2003 Papers Submission Deadline
11 April 2003 Notification of acceptance
2 May 2003 Final papers (camera-ready) required
20 June 2003 Workshop in Toulouse
Program committee
Jean-Michel Bruel (contact) U. of Pau, France
Abdelmalek Benzekri U. of Toulouse III, France
Geri Georg Agilent Technologies, USA
Ileana Ober VERIMAG, France
Ramon Puigjaner U. de les Illes Balears, Spain
Jon Whittle NASA Ames, USA