[XML-SIG] Working around problems in older DOM implementations
Andrew Clover
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 15:34:24 +0000
I'm working on a DOM-based application which I want to be compatible with as
much of the installed base of Python DOM implementations as possible.
I'm using DOM Level 2 Namespace-aware Core methods only, with an importer
layer that fixes up known bugs in widely-deployed DOMs. I've checked minidom
from Python 2.1 and 4DOM from PyXML 0.6.6 so far, and added workarounds for
the following problems:
- minidom: no native importNode support
- minidom: insertBefore/appendChild/replaceChild with DocumentFragment
Node fails to insert all new children due to destructive list iteration
- minidom: attributes in no namespace get '' namespaceURI instead of None.
Elements and attributes in no namespace get '' prefix instead of None.
- 4DOM: elements and attributes in no namespace get '' namespaceURI and
prefix instead of None.
- 4DOM: localName of xmlns="..." declarations is '' instead of 'xmlns'.
Are there any other known problems with common DOMs I ought to be looking
out for?
Andrew Clover