[XML-SIG] Document style SOAP Web Service with ZSI (docstyle)

Alexis Marrero-Narváez amarrero at mitre.org
Wed Sep 17 14:59:37 EDT 2003


Sorry for the confusion in the original email. Here is what I'm trying  
to do. I want to create a docstyle web service. My question is, how can  
I send the response?

So far, I have the following code on my server.

####Server Side
#!/usr/bin/env python

from xml.dom import minidom

from ZSI import dispatch

def getExample(input):
     print input
     doc = minidom.parse('example.xml')
     return doc

dispatch.AsServer(docstyle=1, port=4444)

It sets the AsServer to docstyle which sends the SOAP XML input to the  
getExample via the <input> parameter. I want to return the example.xml  
file back as my xml payload. Example.xml is  
'<root><child>value</child></root>'. I want ZSI to return this payload  
as the response.

The following is my client side code.

####Client Side
import sys

#Import the ZSI client
from ZSI.client import Binding
import sys
fp = sys.stdout
u = ''
n = ''
b = Binding(url=u, ns=n, host='localhost', port=4444, tracefile=fp)

result = b.getExample()
print result

When running this example this is my response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" >
<faultstring>Processing Failure</faultstring>
<ZSI:string>iteration over non-sequence</ZSI:string>


Is there any further settings on the server side, other than  
docstyle=1, that needs to be set so it returns the xml doc?


On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 10:32 AM, Rich Salz wrote:

>> I want to return and XML document back to the client and I can't  
>> figure it out.
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> ####  client.py
>> import sys
>> #Import the ZSI client
>> from ZSI.client import Binding
>> import sys
>> fp = sys.stdout
>> u = ''
>> n = 'http://uche.ogbuji.net/eg/ws/simple-cal'
>> b = Binding(url=u, ns=n, host='localhost', port=4444, tracefile=fp)
>> result = b.getExample()
>> print result[0]
> That example's not complete; where's "getExample()" for example?
> Anyhow, if you're sending docstyle as opposed to soap-rpc, then you  
> want to do something like
>     b = Binding....
>     b.Send(...parameters...)
>     result = b.ReceiveSoap().body
> -- 
> Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
> DataPower Technology                           http://www.datapower.com
> XS40 XML Security Gateway   http://www.datapower.com/products/xs40.html
> XML Security Overview  http://www.datapower.com/xmldev/xmlsecurity.html

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