[XML-SIG] Libxml2 Bindings on MacOSX

Tim Wilson wilson at visi.com
Thu Mar 25 14:57:01 EST 2004

On 3/25/04 1:26 PM, "Nickolay Kolev" <nmkolev at uni-bonn.de> wrote:

> Can anyone wich has already done this please give me some pointers on
> installing the libxml2 and libxstl bindings for the Panther-supplied
> Panther.

I just did this a couple days ago. Here's what I did:

1. Visit http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/download.html and download
the MacPython 2.3 for Panther addons installer.

2. Once installed, you'll find a MacPython-2.3 folder in your Applications

3. Run the PackageManager

4. At this point, PackageManager will probably give you an error that it
couldn't download an information.

5. Now visit http://www.python.org/packman/ to try downloading a different
database. I found that the experimental version for 10.3 worked for me.

6. Use the URL of that plist file in the "Open URL" option in the File menu
of the PackageManager.

7. Once PackageManager is able to connect to that database, you'll be able
to choose to install libxml2 from the list of available packages.

8. Q.E.D.

Hope this helps.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto: wilson at visi.com   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

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