[XML-SIG] DocumentFragment ??

kevin Thackray kevin.thackray at clarisys.fr
Tue May 4 10:16:16 EDT 2004


Thank you for your so quik reply.
I tried your sugestion about classe linking with still minidom

> I suggest using a containment relationship between Header and 
> DocumentFragment, instead of inheritance.
And i raise an exception at the same place :

class MyDocument:
    def __init__(self, demande):
        newDoc = implementation.createDocument(None, "CompteRendu", None)
        header = Header()
        newDoc.importNode(header.headerDoc, True)
        self.newDoc = newDoc
    def __str__(self):
        return str(PrettyPrint(self.newDoc))

class Header:
    def __init__(self):
        self.headerDoc = DocumentFragment()

traceback :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "output.py", line 35, in ?
    doc = MyDocument(demande)
  File "/home/kevin/python/sdp/db2xml/DocTemplate.py", line 16, in __init__
    newDoc.importNode(header.headerDoc, True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/xml/dom/Document.py", line 163, in importNode
    return importedNode.cloneNode(deep, newOwner=self)
TypeError: cloneNode() got an unexpected keyword argument 'newOwner'

I wasn't sure if the problem was minidom+inheritance or juste trucky 
things with minidom?
Anyway, I will do the same thing that with standard DOM implementation 
Thank you so much,


Kevin Thackray
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