[XML-SIG] ANN: cElementTree 0.9.8 (january 23, 2005)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Sun Jan 23 16:19:02 CET 2005

Time for a new release.  The 0.9.8 release is pretty much identical to 0.9.3,
except for a revised "iterparse" mechanism:

    for event, elem in iterparse(source):

By default, iterparse now only returns "end" events (issued when an element
has been completed, and all child elements are available).  This speeds things
up a bit, and simplifies the event-handling code.  An example:

    for event, elem in iterparse(source):
        if elem.tag == "title":
            print "document title is", repr(elem.text)

To request other events, including extended information about namespaces,
use the "events" option (see the CHANGES document for details).

Like the rest of cElementTree, the iterparse mechanism is fast.  On my test
machine, it's over four times faster than xml.sax, 2.5 times faster than pyexpat,
and even a bit faster than my own sgmlop.

For more information on this library, including download instructions, detailed
benchmark figures, and more, see:


enjoy /F 

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