[XML-SIG] Pyxml

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon Mar 10 13:13:16 CET 2008


please keep this discussion on the list.

Somayeh Farnoush wrote:
> I've just run
> setup.py build
> setup.py install
> .....
> I am trying to install mpi intel which needs Python and Pyxml ... in
> troubleshooting part of installing intel mpi suggested to use the command
> rpm -qa | grep python-xml
> to enshure existance of pyxml properly.

That's ok, they just didn't know what they were doing either.

If you ran "setup.py install" as root (and it didn't fail), then PyXML should
be correctly installed. It's just that RPM doesn't know about it as you didn't
install it using the rpm command.


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