[XML-SIG] parsing XML with minidom
flahertyk1 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 27 23:30:39 CEST 2010
I don't really know... Here's the whole story.
I am retrieving the xml by calling this link.
Here's the entire function:
addr = '50+Oakland+St,Wellesley,MA,02481'
def geocode_addr(addr):
hostname = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?'
prefix = 'address='
sensor = '&sensor=true'
url = hostname + prefix + addr + sensor
print url
handler = urllib2.urlopen(url)
xml_response = handler.read()
print xml_response
#dom = minidom.parseString(xml_response)
tree = ET.parse("GeocodeResponse.xml")
print 'here'
for tag in tree.getiterator("location"):
print 'here1'
print tag.findtext("lat")
*** I actually just pasted the xml from the shell where i printed
xml_response and saved it into an xml file in my folder called
GeocodeResponse.xml to test this... before going through the work of saving
the xml into a file. I got the "here" but not the "here1"
I'm attaching my actual file..
Sorry! I appreciate the help! this is the last piece of functionality i need
to get working for my programming assignment!
Stefan Behnel-3 wrote:
> kimmyaf, 26.04.2010 23:14:
>> Stefan Behnel-3 wrote:
>>> kimmyaf, 26.04.2010 00:24:
>>>> Hello. I've only done a litte bit of parsing with minidom before but
>>>> I'm
>>>> having trouble getting my values out of this xml. I need the latitude
>>>> and
>>>> longitude values in bold.
>>> I don't see anything 'bold' in your mail, but your example tells me what
>>> data you mean.
>>> Here is some untested code using xml.etree.cElementTree:
>>> import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
>>> tree = ET.parse("thefile.xml")
>>> for tag in tree.getiterator("location"):
>>> print tag.findtext("lat"), tag.findtext("lng")
>> Thanks Stefan. I tried this but it's not getting into the for block for
>> some
>> reason.
> Maybe the document uses namespace declarations that you forgot to show us?
> Stefan
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http://old.nabble.com/file/p28382321/GeocodeResponse.xml GeocodeResponse.xml
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