[Mailman-Users] Configuring Apache

Harald Meland Harald.Meland at usit.uio.no
Wed Nov 11 01:54:10 CET 1998

[Matt Paladino]

> Hi Users-
> I've installed Mailman without any problems, but I can't seem to figure
> out how I should setup Apache.
> My document root for mailman is /www/htdocs/mailman.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the "document root".  If you mean
that you configured Mailman like this:

  ./configure --prefix=/www/htdocs/mailman

you should add these lines to Apache's srm.conf:

  ScriptAlias /mailman/ /www/htdocs/mailman/cgi-bin/
  Alias /pipermail/ /www/htdocs/mailman/archives/public/

They should not be placed inside <Directory> tags.  However, you might
have to specify other server options for some Mailman directories,

  <Directory /www/htdocs/mailman/archives/public>
  Options FollowSymLinks

If you meant something else when referring to your "document root",
substitute "/www/htdocs/mailman/" in the instructions above with the
directory you gave to the --prefix option of configure (or just use
the default install directory, "/usr/local/", if you didn't use the
--prefix option at all).


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