[Mailman-Users] pending

jgo john at nisus.com
Thu Nov 8 05:46:26 CET 2001

> Jon Carnes Tue, 2001-11-06 22:38:34 -0500 wrote:
> Stop the cron and submit some messages, then run the cron
> commands manually and monitor the progress of the messages
> by looking at the various logs, queues, and files that are
> moved and created.
> It's educational and can lead you to where things break down.

Ahhh, suggestions on where to look for the aforesaid
logs, queues & other files would be appreciated.

It has been educational.  I found
and I see there's a Pending.py (and *.pyc), and cron/checkdbs
looks very interesting but so far unenlightening, and those
led me to MailList.py and ProcessConfirmation and
MailCommandHandler.py (& .pyc)...
and I see some calls to syslog & the class def but haven't
found the actual file where it'd be writing.

"The earlier in life you accustome yourself to consider objects with attention,
 the easier will your progress be, & more sure & successful your enterprizes.
 What a harvest of true scenes through which you pass if you are not wanting
 in your assiduity & endeavours." --- Abigail Adams 1781-01-21 to
 John Quincy Adams (quoted in William J. Bennett 1997
 _The Spirit of America_ pg 223)

John G. Otto, Eagle Scout, Knight, Cybernetic Praxeologist
Existence, Consciousness, Identity, Life, Liberty, Property, Privacy, Justice

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