[Mailman-Users] Qrunner error

fish fish at livingsky.net
Mon Nov 25 13:56:30 CET 2002

I am also having qrunner problems, but they have to do with the
/etc/cron.d/mailman that tries to run. I am getting an authentication error
in my logs, (Nov 24 22:03:01 livingsky CRON[27016]: Authentication service
cannot retrieve authentication info.) and was wondering (after someone else
told me to look there) if anyone on this list has a /etc/pam.d/qrunner file
setup on their system and if they could share it with me.

My setup is debian, exim, mailman, apache.

Also, the owners of the files in /usr/lib/mailman/cron/ which is what I
think that /etc/cron.d/mailman calls is root:list. Should this be list:list?

Robert Lydiate
icon at accesscomm.ca

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