[Mailman-Users] sending messages after problem gone

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Aug 22 17:35:02 CEST 2006

Imre Gergely wrote:
>i had some problems with one of my lists, when i sent a message to the list, it
>didnt get delivered, because some incorrect member adresses.
>the mails landed in /var/spool/mailman/out. now, that the problem is resolved,
>how can i resend the messages from out?
>i have fedora core 2, with mailman version 2.1.8.

This is not really a Mailman question, but

login as mailman
run an MUA
navigate to the 'out' folder

At this point, you probably can't just resend the message to the final
recipients because their addresses aren't in the message, so you
probably have to 'bounce' or 'redirect' the messages back to the list
to be sent to all list members.

You could also edit /var/spool/mailman/out to make file1, ..., filen,
each containing one message and then do either

sendmail yourlist at example.com < filex

for each file, or use Mailman's

bin/inject -l yourlist filex 

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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