[Mailman-Users] HowTo Notes - Mailman and Sendmail Integration
Tony Lembke
tony at lemlink.com.au
Mon Dec 31 09:33:38 CET 2007
I've recently spent a fair deal of time integrating mailman with
sendmail to automate the creation of alias files.
A number of postings to this list were helpful.
It's all working now, so I thought my notes may be helpful to speed
things up for someone else.
I apologise if there are any mistakes or false steps.
Thanks to the Mailman developers and Ed Greenberg
To be read in conjunction with the mailman installation instructions at
and the post by Ed Greenberg at
Step 1
I'm using Apache2, Mailman 2.19 and FreeBSD4 and Python 2.4
Step 2
As root
I used -> user: mailman, group:mailman, password: n
Step 3
create Installation Directory (as root)
su# cd /usr/local/
su# mkdir mailman
su# chown mailman mailman
su# su mailman
su# cd mailman
su# chgrp mailnull .
su# chmod a+rx,g+ws .
Step 4
Now, go to the directory where you have downloaded mailman
su# cd /usr/home/xxxxx/mailman-2.1.9
Change back to user root
su# su root
You can ascertain the correct option for --with-mail-gid from /etc/
su# grep "DefaultUser" /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
=> #O DefaultUser=mailnull
So use mailnull
su# su root
su# make clean
su# configure --with-mail-gid=mailnull
I'm on FreeBSD so use this command
su# make DIRSETGID=: install
Now check permissions
su# cd /usr/local/mailman
su# bin/check_perms -f
My webserver runs as nobody (check httpd.conf on your system to confirm)
su# grep "User " /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
=> User nobody
su# cd archives
su# chown nobody private
su# chmod o-x private
Step 5
Add this to your httpd-vhosts.conf, or httpd.conf depending on which
version of Apache you are using
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName lists.practiceimprovement.com.au
TransferLog /dev/null
DocumentRoot /usr/home/lists/htdocs/
ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/
Alias /pipermail/ /usr/local/mailman/archives/public/
and restart apache
Step 6
Integrating sendmail and mailman
mm-handler would not work for me (after considerable amount of time
trying) - I think because by server was medicine.net.au and the
address I wanted to use was practiceimprovement.org.au,
even though practiceimprovement.org.au was correctly set up on dns to
be delegated to the right server.
So I used Ed Greenberg's approach at
which seems better to me.
Note: On Freebsd I first had to build sudo!
create the file /usr/sbin/mailman.aliases c
su# pico /usr/bin/mailman.aliases
containing the lines below =>
/bin/cp /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases /etc/mail/mailman.aliases
Note: I spent a lot of time bugtesting as I used 'cp' in the
mailman.aliases script rather than /usr/cp
(it worked from the command line but not the web interface)
make it executable
su# chmod 755 /usr/sbin/mailman.aliases
Change your sendmail.cf file to include the new alias file
(for me, add this to medicine.net.au.mc)
define(`ALIAS_FILE', `/etc/mail/aliases,/etc/mail/mailman.aliases')
(and then as root)
su# /etc/mail/make install restart
Update your sudoers file ('nobody' is the user apache runs under -
check your httpd.conf)
su# visudo
nobody ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases
mailman ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases
Step 7
my mm_cfg.py has these added
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'practiceimprovement.com.au'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.practiceimprovement.com.au'
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'
IMAGE_LOGOS = '/images/'
POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD = '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/
Follow the rest of the instructions from step 7 on at ->
When you create a list using /bin/newlist, you should find that the
file /etc/mail/mailman.aliases has been created / updated.
(I had some permissions to sort out in a few directories before it all
worked smoothly)
The error log is helpful at /usr/local/mailman/logs/error
These commands can be helpful for troubleshooting, after you have
successfully created a testlist and subscribed yourself to that list
To test mailman
su# echo "From: tony at pi.com.au
To: testlist at pi.com.au
Subject: Happy New Year
test mail body
" | /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post testlist
If that works, use this to test your sendmail/mailman integration
su# echo "From: tony at pi.com.au
To: testlist at pi.com.au
Subject: Merry Xmas
test mail body
" | /bin/sendmail -tony at pi.com.au testlist at pi.com.au
Hope this helps someone and would welcome corrections or improvements.
Happy New Year,
Tony Lembke
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