Only urgently needed changes to the infrastructure and postpone the rest until much later

Hello together, I feel a lot of energy and really like that. It is not my goal to slow down anything or anyone. In short: IMHO only urgently needed changes to the infrastructure should be made and postpone the rest until much later. I didn't really want to put the issue on the table just yet. Because it isn't the time for it because we don't have developer access to the repo and we don't have a full triage of the issues and work packages need to be done. I don't know how it was 2015 but today there are strict and very clear recommendations how to technically organize and structure a python project and its folders. I still use that in other projects and it has a lot of advantages. BIT is far away from that recommendation what cause a lot of trouble and extra work. But it works now and will work also the next year. I won't discuss this yet in all details because it is very complex and has a lot of side topics and it is not the right time. But someday the repo need to change; technically a lot of files and folders need to be renamed and moved. This will break nearly everything: Travis, make, testing, coverage, ... Therefore, my recommendation in the current situation is to save our resources, not to mess around too much with the infrastructure and to limit changes to it to what is necessary. Kind Christian
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