Hi All,
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to be bringing this up in, but here
goes anyway:
I have a program which we're trying to embed python in, the goal being that
we can use python to tweak various algorithms and extract data from the
core system. To achieve this, and be able to access this data, it's my
intention to pass call backs from the host C program into the python
interpreter which will extract the data and form it into python objects for
further processing -- typically displaying on a webserver etc ...
Is there a sensible mechanism to acheive this, or is a different approach
recommended? I've had a deep trawl through the extending and embedding
document but nothing obvious has presented itself. All help and suggetions
are gratefully received.
Thanks in advance,
----------( I've told you all my secrets, but I lied about )----------
----------( my past, so send me off to bed for ever more ... )----------