On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 4:33 PM Jeroen Demeyer <J.Demeyer@ugent.be> wrote:
On 2018-07-31 18:42, Brett Cannon wrote:
Yes, what Eric is suggesting is a baseline tool like Cython be added to Python itself so it becomes the minimum, common tool that we point all extension authors to.
You didn't answer Victor's "stupid question": we can already point extension authors to Cython. Why do we need a new tool which will very likely have less features than the already-existing Cython?
You and Victor are right to ask why we need to change anything here. In my initial post I wanted to present a possibility for discussion while the context was fresh from the other threads. I agree that the justification is relatively weak. :) However, there are some points to consider.
Consider our three options here:
- do nothing (status quo); Cython remains a popular and and effective tool
- promote Cython as *the* tool (and maybe use Cython for stdlib extension modules)
- promote Cython as *the* high-level tool, add an official low-level tool to CPython (and maybe use the new tool for stdlib)
Arguably, in all three cases we should improve collaboration with the Cython project. Option #2 (and #3) would definitely require that. How can we do better in that regard?
In the interest of encouraging less use of the C-API, at least #2 would make a lot of sense. I expect it would require more/better collaboration between the Python core team and the Cython project.
Also, we should help Cython with technical aspects of the problem space, including both changes in CPython that will aid Cython and changes in Cython that will help users.
Finally, I suppose there's another option: factor out useful parts of Cython for inclusion in the stdlib.
FWIW, here's some thoughts on option #3 (basically my original post). Again, my goal was to introduce a possibility for discussion. At the least consider that there may some useful points here even if the overall idea isn't viable.
Cython is a great tool for the Python ecosystem. It is a large project developed over time, meaning that on the one hand it holds a lot of valuable knowledge and lessons learned. On the other hand, it probably doesn't look like it would under a green-field approach. :) Combine all that together and you might see the inspiration for an official tool based on Cython.
Effectively, the goal would be to factor out the low-level, minimal-ish core of Cython, if such a "core" is meaningful. The result would be a new stdlib library, as well as a simple tool in the CPython repo. The development of asyncio, relative to twisted, demonstrates the sort of effort I had in mind, though it's not a perfect parallel. :)
There are several advantages to the low-level tool/lib:
- we could use the tool for stdlib extension modules (if we want to), whereas we're reluctant to use a third-party tool like Cython currently
- the CPython test suite would include tests for the tool/lib, meaning changes that break the them would be blocked from merging, whereas Cython has to deal with such breaking changes after the fact
- if built on top of the low-level tool, Cython would be easier to maintain (presumably) since the project would have to do less and wouldn't have to adapt nearly as much to changes in CPython
- an opportunity to distill the concepts and functionality of Cython (like happened with asyncio/twisted)
I concede that there are a lot of assumptions there. :) Furthermore, there are serious downsides/obstacles:
- someone would have to do the work (always the biggest obstacle!)
- tools like Cython would have to make significant changes to take advantage of the new tool
- there's a high risk of regressions and other bugs in both the new tool and in Cython
Regardless, this would not make any sense unless Stefan (and the Cython project) were in favor of the new tool and heavily involved in its design (and implementation). Given the reaction thus far I don't see that happening. :)
then we will have to provide an FFI compiler for people to use in at least the simple cases.
Cython is *not* an FFI tool. It can be used for FFI but that's just one of its many use cases.
FWIW, there has been talk in the past of bringing CFFI (or something based on it) into the stdlib (in part as a replacement for ctypes). IIRC, it hasn't happened because no one was interested enough to do the work. If we ended up doing it, I think it would coexist with Cython (or something similar) just fine, as Stefan implied when he explained about different tools for different needs.