Fwd: The doc demo have some problems

The appended email crossed the transom at webmaster@python.org today. Apologies for the hot mess Gmail makes of forwarded emails. I wonder if it makes sense to warn about misspelled dunder names. I tried pylinting (1.1.0, sorry, it's what I have here at work) and flake8ing (2.0) this: class Foo(object): def __init_(self): self.x = 0 def _add_(self, other): return self.x + other.x Pylint complained about attribute x not being defined in __init__, but that's a rather indirect message. It failed to say anything about _add_. Flake8 said nothing. Is this a common enough problem that these sort of tools should warn about mistakes in the leading/trailing underscore count of otherwise dunder attributes? Skip ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: protestmailself <protestmailself@gmail.com> Date: Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 1:56 AM Subject: Re: The doc demo have some problems To: webmaster <webmaster@python.org> Hi: I make a mistake using _init_ not the __init__ ------------------------------ protestmailself *From:* protestmailself <protestmailself@gmail.com> *Date:* 2014-11-21 15:30 *To:* webmaster <webmaster@python.org> *Subject:* The doc demo have some problems Hi: I using the code at location: [ https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/classes.html] using python 2.7.8 class Complex: def _init_(self, realpart, imagpart): self.r = realpart self.i = imagpart x = Complex(3.0, -4.5) x.r, x.i I got the error: TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments i think this is a mistake as the demo not define a constructor, but use a constructor with two arguments. Change to this can be passed. class Complex: r = 0 i = 0 def _init_(self, realpart, imagpart): self.r = realpart self.i = imagpart x = Complex() x._init_(3.0, -4.5) x.r, x.i Best regards ------------------------------ protestmailself
participants (1)
Skip Montanaro