https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0512/#adding-github-username-support-to-... In order for the CLA bot to work, I need people to be able to add their GitHub usernames to their bugs.python.org profile. I also need some API(s) that I can hit from the bot that lets me pass in a GitHub username -- or names, since there can be more than one, but I'm also fine making multiple individual requests instead of multiple names in a single request -- and get back some kind of signed/not signed/no GitHub username response (can even be GitHub username -> b.p.o username in one call and then b.p.o CLA status as another if that's easier). I'm not sure if Ezio was planning to own this or not, so I'm asking if anyone wants to take this on or help Ezio with the work if he does want to lead it (or R. David if he wants to lead it).