10.05.2016, 12:43, Ionel Cristian Mărieș kirjoitti:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Alex Grönholm <alex.gronholm@nextday.fi <mailto:alex.gronholm@nextday.fi>> wrote:
So far the ONLY objective problems with YAML seems to be the problematic implementation named PyYAML. If this is really the case, I'd gladly help build a better one just to prevent TOML from being chosen for this task. That we're even /considering/ building something as important as this on an unstable standard is pretty horrifying to me in itself.
Just my two cents here: every time, but every every time, I have to google around about how to create a multi-line string in YAML. There are too many ways to write the same thing. And lets not forget those damn sexagesimal literals. The complexity of that language is beyond repair, it's not a *library* problem. Just look at insanities like this <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790454/in-yaml-how-do-i-break-a-string-o...> or this <http://blog.teamlazerbeez.com/2009/04/15/yaml-gotchas/> .
I have no problem with any of the examples you linked to.
Thanks, -- IonelCristian Mărieș, http://blog.ionelmc.ro