Please Kirby, I am talking physics, not cartoons. And as much as I admire Mr. J. Moose - I try not to confuse the two things.
Awwwww, you're no fun. [Roger Rabbit voice]
Yes. Wittgenstein took the same approach to logic: yes it's true, but so is 0 = 0.
Not sure what you mean. If I sound like I am talking sematically, I certainly don't mean to be. I am thinking literally and in terms of practicalities, even if I am not successful in expressing it as such.
We count the roses in Shakespeares. Know the exact number. Now what?
That's some Old Europe stereotype of a computer. All these threatened school dons, in front of a chalkboard, worried some big metal box down the hall will put them out of a job. Update: I want to make TV = I want to learn multi-track editing = I need a computer = if I learn to program, I'll be able to make even *better* TV -> [back to start of loop]
"The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel" by Rebecca Goldstein.
At least not the one where Witttgenstein gets menacing next to the fireplace. Popperians read that like a ghost story, scare themselves, whisper about "mean old LW" to their children -- a boogey man.
circles for a good part of these lives - The Vienna Circle. Goldstein
Yeah, LW was born into money. Was living a glam life as a courtly genius, then gave it all up to go to Oxford, to leave the ordinary world of Muggles and their ways and join up with Slytherin, headed by Bertrand Russell. His Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus (known as TLP by insiders) was his young knight-in-shining-armour debut (the women back in Vienna swooned), then he exited stage right and wasn't heard from in awhile. Then he returned (surprise!), this time to teach his Philosophical Investigations, his mysterious PI -- a dark art, with LW a hooded figure, all Darth Vadery and Jedi, with a penchant light sabers (er fire pokers).
Also no question that Einstein and Godel were peers - just by the fact they chose to spend so much of their timing hanging out with each other. We all need folks to chat with ;)
Yeah, Princeton. Those were the days. Now they point to Fine Hall and say Einstein worked in Fine Hall, but maybe neglect to tell you Fine Hall moved to Fine Tower since Einstein's day, next to Jadwin. When I was on campus, Einstein's office was part of Near Eastern Studies or something. Anyway, I think Princeton is one of the few Ivy League schools to do math in a skyscraper (albeit not a very tall one -- tall enough). True story: at least one of my friends got help with calculus from that beautiful mind guy (this was pre the Nobel). Nash'd materialize in the corridor, wearing sneakers of two colors, and flutter over to some wide-eyed scholar, living a dream. Anyway, he new everything about calculus reportedly, and much else besides. Kirby