So I'm downloading an edubuntu image in preparation for burning to CD. I'm feeling motivated to bone up on a Linux distro advertised to school children, as free and open source, and as customizable to whatever unicode language. What sort of snake's nest do we get, and how might we enhance it? I need to do more homework on this question. On this list, we've many times come back to the "edu distro" idea, but Python-centric. And yet how free of an underlying operating system might such a distro really be? I think it's easier, with Linux at least, to get what you need right into the Linux distro CDs, suggesting at least one popular Pythonic education package could be, well, edubuntu itself. That doesn't mean repurposing edubuntu of course, just expanding the balloon with more custom Python stuff, e.g. PyGeo with whatever tutorials are ready. So already we're talking about IDLE, which requires Tk, and VPython. I'm guessing the current edubuntu is VPythonless. Art, you wrote: """ Worth noting that ubuntu has just come out with a companion edubuntu distribution. Haven't explored it yet. I do know I have the goal of getting PyGeo into it at some point - but that would mean getting myself comfortable with PyGeo. """ [ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/edu-sig/2005-October.txt ] What I've not yet found in any Linux distro is a working VRML or 3XD plug-in for FireFox, like Cortona on Windows. I'm probably out of date on this topic. I'll go read Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X3D Kirby