We are excited to announce a new release of DIPY:
DIPY 1.1.1 is out! In addition:
a) A new 5 day workshop available during March 16-20 to learn the theory
and applications of the hundreds of methods available in DIPY 1.1.1
See the exquisite program here <https://workshop.dipy.org>.
*b) Given the need for a myriad of new DIPY derivative projects, DIPY moved
to its own organization in GitHub. **Long live DIPY! *
*And therefore, *https://github.com/dipy/dipy* supersedes
<https://github.com/nipy/dipy> The old link will be available as a redirect
link for the next 6 months.*
c) Please support us by *citing** DIPY* in your papers using the following
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00008
the DIPY citation police will find you. ;)
DIPY 1.1.1 (Friday, 10 January 2020)
This release received contributions from 11 developers (the full release
notes are at:
https://dipy.org/documentation/1.1.1./release_notes/release1.1/). Thank you
all for your contributions and feedback!
Please click here <https://dipy.org/documentation/1.1.1./api_changes/> to
check API changes.
Highlights of this release include:
New module for deep learning DIPY.NN (uses TensorFlow 2.0).
Improved DKI performance and increased utilities.
Non-linear and RESTORE fits from DTI compatible now with DKI.
Numerical solutions for estimating axial, radial and mean kurtosis.
Added Kurtosis Fractional Anisotropy by Glenn et al. 2015.
Added Mean Kurtosis Tensor by Hansen et al. 2013.
Nibabel minimum version is 3.0.0.
Azure CI added and Appveyor CI removed.
New command line interfaces for LPCA, MPPCA and Gibbs Unringing.
New MTMS CSD tutorial added.
Horizon refactored and updated to support StatefulTractograms.
Speeded up all cython modules by using a smarter configuration setting.
All tutorials updated to API changes and 2 new tutorials added.
Large documentation update.
Closed 126 issues and merged 50 pull requests.
Have in mind that DIPY stopped supporting Python 2 after version 0.16.0.
All major Python projects have switched to Python 3. It is time that you
switch too.
To upgrade or install <http://dipy.org/release0.10.html> DIPY
Run the following command in your terminal:
pip install --upgrade dipy
conda install -c conda-forge dipy
This version of DIPY depends on nibabel (3.0.0+).
For visualization you need FURY (0.4.0+).
Questions or suggestions?
For any questions go to http://dipy.org, or send an e-mail to
dipy(a)python.org <neuroimaging(a)python.org>
We also have an instant messaging service and chat room available at
On behalf of the DIPY developers,
Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Ariel Rokem, Serge Koudoro