Hi All, I wanted to give an update on finance management of Pycon India 2018. We were torn between forming a new organization vs using an existing organization for finance management. After a lot of thought and deliberation with different people within the community, we have chosen to form a new organization to manage finance for current Pycon & future as well. As part of creating the new organization, we have taken over "Section 8 non-profit Company" - "Association For Promotion Of Free Open Source Technologies" AFROST. This company doesn't have any liability or any transactions and the members were happy to transfer it. Decision to take over this entity was primarily based on time constraint b\c opening new entity would take some time. To know more about Section 8 Company - https://www.legalraasta.com/blog/need-know-section-8-company/ For this new entity, we are nominating 5 new interim Directors given below. - Ramanathan [Hyderabad] - Satyaakam [Delhi] - Chandan [Pune] - Vijay [Chennai] - Noufal [Kochi] We are forming working committee for formulating the direction & charter of this new organization. This committee will propose it's delibration & outcome to the community at the end of Pycon India conference and will be dissolved after the conference. Members of the committee are below. - All Interim Directors - Mani [Hyderabad] - Akshay Aradhya [Delhi] - Yet to Confirm [Bangalore] Responsibility of Interim Directors: - Manage funds of Pycon India 2018. - Present the recommendation by “Working Committee” in AGM. AGM will be conducted at the end of Pycon conference day. - Implement the final resolution passed at AGM. - Conduct election for new directors. Responsibility of Working committee: - Update the existing “Memorandum of Association (MOA)”, “Articles of Association (AOA)” and come up with new name. - Come up with Bylaws & Rules for adding members & term for Directors, and operations. - Come up with rules/process for Director election. I believe this new organization is the step in right direction for Python community in India. This organization should be based on trust, commitment, mutual respect for people & be social responsible. Note: Member of interim director & working committee are chosen on two factors. One based on representation from different communities and another based on experience in creating & managing organizations. Regards, __Mani Chair@PyconIndia2018

Hi Mani, I have some reservations about this but given the situation, it's the best way forward. To avoid the mistakes with IPSS and PSSI, I think it's prudent to keep the charter of this new organisation as small as possible to limit the damage it can do. All of the PSSIs goals were noble (support multiple conferences, stipend for sending people for conferences abroad, etc) but I think the effort needed to keep all this under control was under estimated and that led to many ad-hoc decisions and the overall organisation unwavering. Also, I think the AGM on the last day of the conference at the end of the event will probably not work. We'll rush through it and it'll just be a "everything fine!" meeting. We should put it somewhere earlier when people have more energy or maybe in the evening of the first day. Finally, I'm in Kozhikode and not Kochi. :) Thanks. On Wed, Jul 04 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
-- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

*TLDR;* *1) form a new organization to avoid issues with existing ones* *2) Let's get payments directly from sponsors to vendors solving immediate issue with PyCon 2018* *3) Let's work on making a organization with a good structure right now instead of later.* *4) Let's involve the community in this whole process.* *That's the gist of what is below.* I would like to shed some light on the situation AFROST is in. Vipin & I, were among the directors(we helped form the org) of the company when it started out, the main goal at the time was to support open source communities. However as time went by it became clear that; that was not really the case, AFROST has as yet not done anything to support any community in any manner what so ever(look at the accounts they are "clean" even after more than a year). This is despite numerous opportunities for the same and despite me and Vipin explicitly asking for such support. The org was more interested in applying for grants, activities that would be financially positive. Needless to say both Vipin & I resigned about 2 months back. Existing liabilities: There are MOU and MOA with IODA and AFROST which were done while filing for some international grants, that have some responsibilities on AFROST to take over certain tasks under those MOU/MOA. There are legal proceedings between IODA and The Organizers of Global Blockchain Conference that does involve AFROST due to it's close ties and collaboration with IODA and the fact that some of the Global Blockchain Conference organizers were also part of AFROST at the time. *Form a new Organization! It would be better in the long run.* *Urgent Issues:* PSSI get's dissolved and does not renew beyond 7th July, so:: *1) It needs to transfer existing money to some one who can help with PyCon India 2018* - Option 1: PSSI can pay existing money they have directly to vendors for this year which solves the urgency issue. Cons: Involves a little bit more legwork trouble. Pros: This has worked for PyCon in the past - Option 2: PSSI can transfer money to a existing Org Cons: Existing liabilities and structure of org could come bite us. Pros: It's faster and given current urgency maybe the best solution given the timeframe. *2) We need a organization that can raise invoices for sponsors to support PyConIndia 2018* - Option 1: Form a new non profit organization: Cons: This could take a bit of time Pros: Offers a `Clean Slate` where we know there would be no issues. - Option 2: Get Vendors for PyCon India to raise invoices directly to the sponsors. Cons: Difficult to coordinate but still doable. Pros: This has historically worked out quite nicely for PyCon India. My Suggestion would be to take the option of getting the Sponsors and PSSI to directly pay to vendors. This solves all the urgent issues and allows the rest of the community to work on making a formal organization properly without effecting PyCon India 2018 . On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 12:01 AM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
We have a habit of sweeping things under the rug for the sake of, "Current Situation". It would be hard but let's do this, "Right" now. So we don't have such situations later on.
Maybe the organization was not structured properly or tasks outgrew the org. It would be better to spend some time and structure the new organization so it's better than before.
Let's outline the goals and outline them publicly, list out the tasks and what it would take to manage them. Many people here are experienced product designers. Let's put our heads together and do this correctly. 1. let's outline the procedure as it was before, including task lists and their flows. This would have to be done by those who were part of the organization till now. 2. Identify issues with the current system. This would have to be a open survey as the organizers definitely do not know all the failings. 3. Figure out what parts can be automated so it does not fall on a few to do all the tasks You would be surprised by all the tasks that can be automated and the number of people available to help out. Many open organizations are moving to truly open everything being automated and put up for public consumption through blockchain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_autonomous_organization I will start a new thread for the organizational part if people are interested in that. Regards Akkshay

Hi Akkshay, I wanted to address a few points raised by you. 1) About forming a new entity? Yes. we wanted to form new entity however timeline to get it up & running would take too long and we are short of time. 2) About liability of AFROST entity? AFROST entity has no transaction and no liability. MOU signed is not an issue as it's agreement/understanding of possible engagement and doesn't have any legal binding to execute - anyway we will get it annulled. Lastly, I would prefer to make decision based on logic instead of emotion and would recommend what this organization did do or didn't do in your time keep it out of context. 3) Transfer money from PSSI? I have dropped a note regarding this especially on money received via tickets sales. They are working on it b\c it has GST implications. 4) Asking sponsors to pay directly to vendors? This is not viable option b\c of GST implications and sponsors are no longer interested in this mode. This is also another reason for need of an organization? 5) About other suggestions on structure & how organisations should functions? Working committee & Directors will consider your suggestion and will come up appropriate decisions. Regards, Mani On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 7:14 PM qua non <akshayaurora@gmail.com> wrote:

I have another suggestion. Can we ask for help from another non-profit that helps with events and conferences? Just for this year? On Fri, Jul 06 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
-- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 11:26 PM, Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
I have another suggestion. Can we ask for help from another non-profit that helps with events and conferences? Just for this year?
+1 Anand

Mani, On Sat, Jul 07 2018, Anand Chitipothu wrote:
[...] What do you think? -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

Hi Guys, Suggestion & recent revalation are taking us in tangential direction and for last couple of days, I have been trying to work out alternative. I think it's wise to address the short-term need i.e. temporarly go with an organisation only for Pycon India 2018 and later we form the new the organization which can act as finance manager for Pycon India. Now for current Pycon India 2018, I haven't made up my mind on which will be the organisation going to help us to manage fund. Please find the options and challenges. - AFROST - Book are clean & no transaction. However there is a threat of liability - which no one is explaining and I'm not sure whether the threat itself is legitimate or not. - Other Organization - We spoke to couple of organization and they are willing to do it however they want to charges anywhere from 5-10% which would cost us 2-6Lacs - New Organization - Time taken to form a new organization. Exploring all options & still discussing at this point in time. I hope to have clear direction before end of this week. Regards, Mani On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 12:18 AM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
One thing that comes to mind is the org which was created to handle RubyConf (Innovation and Technology Trust) although I don't know if it's a non profit or something that can help us. [...] -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:39 PM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
It is Emerging Technology Trust. I've already pinged Sidu about it. They are more than happy to help, but the only catch is they are not tax deductible yet (that is what he told me). I'm not sure what that really means, but I think it is worth following up and see if that is a viable option. Anand

Hi, This situation kind of prevents me from being part of PyCon India as I have ongoing legal proceeding against IODA and AFROST as part of the organizing team of the Global Blockchain Conference. This would lead to conflict of interest. Please remove me from any and all roles under PyCon India. 5) About other suggestions on structure & how organizations should
Best of luck, hope you have a great PyCon India 2018. Regards Akkshay

On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 7:57 PM qua non <akshayaurora@gmail.com> wrote:
Please Can you share all the legal particulars you are referring to thanks -Satya Satyaakam.net <http://satyaakam.net/> | fossevents.in | ** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **

On Wed, Jul 11 2018, satyakam goswami wrote: [...]
Please Can you share all the legal particulars you are referring to
[...] That's not particularly relevant to this list. -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

Hi Mani, I have some reservations about this but given the situation, it's the best way forward. To avoid the mistakes with IPSS and PSSI, I think it's prudent to keep the charter of this new organisation as small as possible to limit the damage it can do. All of the PSSIs goals were noble (support multiple conferences, stipend for sending people for conferences abroad, etc) but I think the effort needed to keep all this under control was under estimated and that led to many ad-hoc decisions and the overall organisation unwavering. Also, I think the AGM on the last day of the conference at the end of the event will probably not work. We'll rush through it and it'll just be a "everything fine!" meeting. We should put it somewhere earlier when people have more energy or maybe in the evening of the first day. Finally, I'm in Kozhikode and not Kochi. :) Thanks. On Wed, Jul 04 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
-- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

*TLDR;* *1) form a new organization to avoid issues with existing ones* *2) Let's get payments directly from sponsors to vendors solving immediate issue with PyCon 2018* *3) Let's work on making a organization with a good structure right now instead of later.* *4) Let's involve the community in this whole process.* *That's the gist of what is below.* I would like to shed some light on the situation AFROST is in. Vipin & I, were among the directors(we helped form the org) of the company when it started out, the main goal at the time was to support open source communities. However as time went by it became clear that; that was not really the case, AFROST has as yet not done anything to support any community in any manner what so ever(look at the accounts they are "clean" even after more than a year). This is despite numerous opportunities for the same and despite me and Vipin explicitly asking for such support. The org was more interested in applying for grants, activities that would be financially positive. Needless to say both Vipin & I resigned about 2 months back. Existing liabilities: There are MOU and MOA with IODA and AFROST which were done while filing for some international grants, that have some responsibilities on AFROST to take over certain tasks under those MOU/MOA. There are legal proceedings between IODA and The Organizers of Global Blockchain Conference that does involve AFROST due to it's close ties and collaboration with IODA and the fact that some of the Global Blockchain Conference organizers were also part of AFROST at the time. *Form a new Organization! It would be better in the long run.* *Urgent Issues:* PSSI get's dissolved and does not renew beyond 7th July, so:: *1) It needs to transfer existing money to some one who can help with PyCon India 2018* - Option 1: PSSI can pay existing money they have directly to vendors for this year which solves the urgency issue. Cons: Involves a little bit more legwork trouble. Pros: This has worked for PyCon in the past - Option 2: PSSI can transfer money to a existing Org Cons: Existing liabilities and structure of org could come bite us. Pros: It's faster and given current urgency maybe the best solution given the timeframe. *2) We need a organization that can raise invoices for sponsors to support PyConIndia 2018* - Option 1: Form a new non profit organization: Cons: This could take a bit of time Pros: Offers a `Clean Slate` where we know there would be no issues. - Option 2: Get Vendors for PyCon India to raise invoices directly to the sponsors. Cons: Difficult to coordinate but still doable. Pros: This has historically worked out quite nicely for PyCon India. My Suggestion would be to take the option of getting the Sponsors and PSSI to directly pay to vendors. This solves all the urgent issues and allows the rest of the community to work on making a formal organization properly without effecting PyCon India 2018 . On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 12:01 AM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
We have a habit of sweeping things under the rug for the sake of, "Current Situation". It would be hard but let's do this, "Right" now. So we don't have such situations later on.
Maybe the organization was not structured properly or tasks outgrew the org. It would be better to spend some time and structure the new organization so it's better than before.
Let's outline the goals and outline them publicly, list out the tasks and what it would take to manage them. Many people here are experienced product designers. Let's put our heads together and do this correctly. 1. let's outline the procedure as it was before, including task lists and their flows. This would have to be done by those who were part of the organization till now. 2. Identify issues with the current system. This would have to be a open survey as the organizers definitely do not know all the failings. 3. Figure out what parts can be automated so it does not fall on a few to do all the tasks You would be surprised by all the tasks that can be automated and the number of people available to help out. Many open organizations are moving to truly open everything being automated and put up for public consumption through blockchain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_autonomous_organization I will start a new thread for the organizational part if people are interested in that. Regards Akkshay

Hi Akkshay, I wanted to address a few points raised by you. 1) About forming a new entity? Yes. we wanted to form new entity however timeline to get it up & running would take too long and we are short of time. 2) About liability of AFROST entity? AFROST entity has no transaction and no liability. MOU signed is not an issue as it's agreement/understanding of possible engagement and doesn't have any legal binding to execute - anyway we will get it annulled. Lastly, I would prefer to make decision based on logic instead of emotion and would recommend what this organization did do or didn't do in your time keep it out of context. 3) Transfer money from PSSI? I have dropped a note regarding this especially on money received via tickets sales. They are working on it b\c it has GST implications. 4) Asking sponsors to pay directly to vendors? This is not viable option b\c of GST implications and sponsors are no longer interested in this mode. This is also another reason for need of an organization? 5) About other suggestions on structure & how organisations should functions? Working committee & Directors will consider your suggestion and will come up appropriate decisions. Regards, Mani On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 7:14 PM qua non <akshayaurora@gmail.com> wrote:

I have another suggestion. Can we ask for help from another non-profit that helps with events and conferences? Just for this year? On Fri, Jul 06 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
-- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 11:26 PM, Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
I have another suggestion. Can we ask for help from another non-profit that helps with events and conferences? Just for this year?
+1 Anand

Mani, On Sat, Jul 07 2018, Anand Chitipothu wrote:
[...] What do you think? -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

Hi Guys, Suggestion & recent revalation are taking us in tangential direction and for last couple of days, I have been trying to work out alternative. I think it's wise to address the short-term need i.e. temporarly go with an organisation only for Pycon India 2018 and later we form the new the organization which can act as finance manager for Pycon India. Now for current Pycon India 2018, I haven't made up my mind on which will be the organisation going to help us to manage fund. Please find the options and challenges. - AFROST - Book are clean & no transaction. However there is a threat of liability - which no one is explaining and I'm not sure whether the threat itself is legitimate or not. - Other Organization - We spoke to couple of organization and they are willing to do it however they want to charges anywhere from 5-10% which would cost us 2-6Lacs - New Organization - Time taken to form a new organization. Exploring all options & still discussing at this point in time. I hope to have clear direction before end of this week. Regards, Mani On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 12:18 AM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11 2018, E Manivannan wrote:
One thing that comes to mind is the org which was created to handle RubyConf (Innovation and Technology Trust) although I don't know if it's a non profit or something that can help us. [...] -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:39 PM Noufal Ibrahim KV <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> wrote:
It is Emerging Technology Trust. I've already pinged Sidu about it. They are more than happy to help, but the only catch is they are not tax deductible yet (that is what he told me). I'm not sure what that really means, but I think it is worth following up and see if that is a viable option. Anand

Hi, This situation kind of prevents me from being part of PyCon India as I have ongoing legal proceeding against IODA and AFROST as part of the organizing team of the Global Blockchain Conference. This would lead to conflict of interest. Please remove me from any and all roles under PyCon India. 5) About other suggestions on structure & how organizations should
Best of luck, hope you have a great PyCon India 2018. Regards Akkshay

On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 7:57 PM qua non <akshayaurora@gmail.com> wrote:
Please Can you share all the legal particulars you are referring to thanks -Satya Satyaakam.net <http://satyaakam.net/> | fossevents.in | ** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **

On Wed, Jul 11 2018, satyakam goswami wrote: [...]
Please Can you share all the legal particulars you are referring to
[...] That's not particularly relevant to this list. -- Cordially, Noufal http://nibrahim.net.in
participants (5)
Anand Chitipothu
E Manivannan
Noufal Ibrahim KV
qua non
satyakam goswami