Hi Holger, You can have a look at following python module https://pypi.org/project/xmlschema It claims xsd 1.0 and 1.1 full support. I only use xsd 1.0. I try to use this library as schema helper on top of lxml. Cheers Thomas Le mer. 11 nov. 2020 à 15:14, <Holger.Joukl@lbbw.de> a écrit :
I'm using lxml to verify an XML against an XRD schema, but I'm using some of the features of v1.1 which gave me an error during validation with lxml:
Line 107 is the part where a new feature is being used (test="...")
Is this a normal behavior of lxml? Are there plans to support v1.1 https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#intro1.1
See https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/pipermail/lxml/20170104/023650.html
(last time I looked, i.e. I didn’t check for new developments).
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