On Jan 2, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
- Barry Warsaw <barry@list.org>:
Finally, I would like to get input from MTA experts on this list as
to the best way to integrate the various MTAs with Mailman's LMTP
server. Specifically, I'm looking at fixing and improving bin/genaliases
for each of the MTAs. I've looked at Postfix's documentation, but sadly to
me it seems quite lacking as to best recommendations. I know Exim and
Sendmail support LTMP, but I don't have as much experience with hooking them
up.If you have input on the best way to connect Mailman and an MTA via LMTP, please add it to this page: http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/LMTP+process and follow up to this message.
I've added a draft for Postfix. There's the one or the other bit I'd
like to add, but basically it should be okay.
Thanks Patrick. I think there's one other configuration variable that
needs to be set. Please see the comment on the wiki page. I believe I
have this working now.
- -Barry
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