"VAEZ(daneshjooye sharif)" <vaez_ha@yahoo.com> wrote:
Luke Hilton wrote:Hi All,
I am very new to Linux, but will tell you what I can. I am trying to diagnose a problem on a.
Linux Redhat server
Mailman version 2.1.4
The particular mailing list has over 20,000 members. The list is being sent to on a on a monthly basis one way.
A mass mail (80k - html) was sent out to the 20,000 members approximately 2 weeks ago. All seemed to go fine. I was alerted that the server performance had dropped dramatically so I checked the obvious and then bounced it. The following day I received approx. 3000 unsubscribe notices. This is highly irregular as in the past only a few unsubscribe notices come in per month. I checked these entries in the Membership list and they are still there, but the 'nomail' box is now checked and reason 'B' displayed.
A colleague of mine restarted the server again yesterday and I have just received another huge amount of unsubscribe notices again.
I followed the following faq yesterday in an attempt to diagnose.
- Permissions seemed fine
- Cron daemon was running
- Aliases are in /etc/aliases + did a 'newaliases'
- I checked the mailman/locks and there are a number of locks from around the time the list was sent
- I checked to see if the processes are still around for the above locks and they are
Should I delete the locks? If so how do I do this safely? Has anyone heard of this type of problem happening before?
I want to make sure there are no pending mailman tasks to complete and that if another restart occurs I won't get bombarded by another wad of unsubscribes.
I have a copy of the membership list and was thinking I could create 3 new mailing lists and divide the 20000 people over the 4 lists. Is this worth it? Should mailman be able to send 20,000 mails easily?
Any help with this would be fantastic.
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Mailman-Developers mailing list Mailman-Developers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-developers Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/mailman-developers/vaez_ha%40yahoo.co...
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