On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Corbett J. Klempay wrote:
I seem to be getting daily messages from senddigests...it normally barfs with a little more info, but today's was this sparse...any file I can check/delete to cure this? [...] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:00:01 -0400 From: Cron Daemon <root@chimera.acm.jhu.edu> To: mailman@chimera.acm.jhu.edu Subject: Cron <mailman@chimera> /usr/local/bin/python /home/mailman/cron/senddigests
deliver: parent uid 514, gid 100, egid 100 deliver child: uid 514, gid 100, egid 100 ContactTransport in... ContactTransport out...
Whoops - corbett, this is from some residual debugging flags i put into your version of mailman, when i was trying to track down the linux permission problems (and, i gather, workaround for them - sounds like things are working for you now, for the most part). You should search in scripts/deliver for "deliver: parent uid" and for "deliver child: uid" for the prints and remove them, and search in scripts/contact_transport for "ContactTransport in..." and "ContactTransport out..." for the debugging prints, there. Sorry about the cruft!
Also, sounds like there might be more - be on the lookout for it. In general i try to flag my debugging prints with "# DEBUG" at the end of the line, so you might try a grep for "DEBUG" through all the scripts to see if there's any more to remove. Let me know if you have troubles tracking it down, or questions...