Participate as a Technical Writer for Google Season of Docs

Hi everyone, I am Ananya Maiti, a Software Engineer located at Hyderabad, India. I am interested to participate as a technical writer in this year's Google Season Of Docs. I love python and have been working mostly in C++ and python these days. I have been a GSoC 2016 student in on a Ruby on Rails project and largely contributed to the community in between 2016-18 on increasing first timer inclusion and making documentation newcomer friendly. I also have been involved in python communities in India and attend python meetups that happen around me.
From documentation perspective I love writing markdown and use it for any documentation work I do. I am also familiar with reStructuredText. I went through Mailman's ideas list of GSoD and I am interested in working on one of its projects. I maintain my own blog 1 where I write about some of my experiences in python, Linux and GSoC.
I am currently looking at the Hyperkitty and Postorius projects and getting a local installation for them. Looking ahead to contribute to the community!
participants (1)
Ananya Maiti