On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 4:46 AM annette carter <annette.carter@pacbell.net> wrote:
Please help. Where do I go to stop Yahoo and all of it's associated ISPs from blacklisting my subscribers, please?
I had this much trouble with Yahoo that the solution was to urge/nudge all subscribers to open a Gmail account and use it for the Mailing List. They could forward the emails from within Gmail to Yahoo if they wanted. It was a way that used diplomatic force to help me maintain my sanity. As you can imagine, I am not the one who drafted that email. We gave them 15 days to decide on the change, after which we were simply unsubscribing them. Guess what? Everyone obliged and changed! They were just a handful - about 140 users
Before that, using Exim as the MTA, I had a special purpose router and transport to handle mail to Yahoo domains and it's siblings:
# Special Purpose Router to throttle sending e-mails to Yahoo & Siblings
who are a PITA :)
driver = dnslookup
domains = \N^yahoo\.\N : rocketmail.com : ymail.com : y7mail.com : \
btinternet.com : btopenworld.com : verizon.net : aol.com : gmail.com
transport = throttled_smtp
# Transport
driver = smtp
connection_max_messages = 5
max_rcpt = 5
serialize_hosts = *
hosts_avoid_pipelining = *
tls_verify_cert_hostnames = !*
The fact that we were DKIM-signing the emails from the ML did not help much. Delivery to Yahoo and it siblings would take even two days and most would fail. For starters, maybe you can implement the above Exim transport strategy in your MTA.
-- Best regards, Odhiambo WASHINGTON, Nairobi,KE +254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223 "Oh, the cruft.", egrep -v '^$|^.*#' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-)