If this was my call, I would never allow HTML in any email ever.
From: "Kai Schaetzl" <maillists@conactive.com> Reply-To: mailman-users@python.org Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 19:32:29 +0200 To: mailman-users@python.org Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Footer Appended as Attachment in 2.1?
Hunter Hillegas wrote on Thu, 29 Apr 2004 08:08:13 -0700:
Any way to fix this and retain the message in HTML format?
Add the footer in HTML and integrate it in the existing message ;-) Better solution: keep HTML off the list, it annoys many people and spoils archiving.
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com IE-Center: http://ie5.de & http://msie.winware.org
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