Quoting Doc Schneider (maddoc@maddoc.net):
Can someone please let me know how to intergrate spamassassin with Mailman?
Running both 2.1.4 and 2.0.13 on different servers.
I've been doing this for ages on all the publically known mailing lists. What I did was re-alias the posting address to
copilot-announce: "|/usr/bin/procmail -m MAILMAN=copilot-announce /etc/procmailrcs/mailman" rfc: "|/usr/bin/procmail -m MAILMAN=rfc /etc/procmailrcs/mailman"
Then /etc/procmailrcs/mailman is a file that belongs to user "nobody.nobody" (because that's who Mailman expects mail to come from) which looks sort of like:
HOME=/var/mailman SPAMFOLDER=${HOME}/Mail/caughtspam LOGFILE=${HOME}/Mail/log
- ^Content-Type: multipart/
:0 B:
- ^Content-Type:.*(^.*)?name=.*\.(bat|com|exe|lnk|pif|scr|shs|vbs) /dev/null }
:0fw | ${SPAMC}
- ^X-Spam-Status: Yes ${SPAMFOLDER}
:0 |/var/mailman/mail/mailman post ${MAILMAN}
-- Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/ With so many "textbook cases" of single points of failure, you'd think that we'd stop building systems to demonstrate the concept. -- Matt Curtin