You could deliver the mail to a script that extracts the subject and body and then reposts it to the list, coming from a generic user.
If you want to restrict posting to members, you could look up the actual from address in the list before forwarding the post.
Would that meet your needs?
--On Friday, May 07, 2004 1:10 PM -0400 Michael Balamuth <mlb@chroma.com> wrote:
Hello list, We have been using Mailman 2.0.13 for quite some time, but never with the intention of creating a genuinely anonymous mailing list. Now, we have a reason to do so, but I have been unable to completely hide the originator (poster's) email address from the headers of the sent mail. Obviously, anyone knowing how to read the headers will find the address of the poster. So, is there a way to make a list anonymous even at this level? Any help appreciated. For completeness, I believe I have followed the FAQ's and help and set explicit-reply to and hide posters address etc. correctly... Maybe not?
Thanks, Michael Balamuth mlb@chroma.com
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