Thanks. I fixed that, changed the entry in httpd.conf
But now a different prob:
"Mailman CGI error!!!
The expected gid of the Mailman CGI wrapper did not match the gid as set by the Web server." I guess I need to do a reconfigure with cgi-gid option. Now, will all my old mailing list will be gone?
(( |""|-. | :|/' -`--'-
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, David Ball wrote:
It looks as though it may be something as small as a missing Alias/Scriptalias in your httpd.conf for Apache. Check the install docs at to be sure that's all good to go.
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Sharif Islam wrote:
Sorry about not giving much details. I was kind of freaked out last night when I encountered that problem.
I found out my mailing list works, only the web interface is not coming up.(HTTP 404 Error) I am using Python 1.5.2 and sendmail,apache . I recently upgraded from Red Hat 7.0 to 7.1
Thanks ) (( |""|-. | :|/' -`--'-
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Greg Ward wrote:
On 09 October 2001, Sharif Islam said:
I installed mailman few months ago on RH 7.0. Everything was working fine. I just upgraded to 7.1. NOw mailman is not working. All the directories and files are there .Any help? thanks
That's an almost-completely-useless message. How about explaining precisely *how* Mailman is "not working". While you're at it, you should mention which version of Python and which MTA you're using. (Not everyone uses Red Hat, and presuambly not every Red Hat user uses the same MTA.)
-- Greg Ward - software developer MEMS Exchange
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